
BMW Racing Cycle Holder, Lockable

BMW Racing Cycle Holder, Lockable On Sale

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before decision to order, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a online store that sells BMW Racing Cycle Holder, Lockable and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me free shipping and warrantee of delivery.

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BMW Racing Cycle Holder, Lockable Feature

  • Genuine BMW Accessory
  • Quick-release fastening on the front wheel fork and a belt fastener on the rear wheel keep your cycle in place.
  • Lockable
  • Quick installation & removal
  • Requires BMW Base Support System (Not Included)

BMW Racing Cycle Holder, Lockable Overview

Suitable for bicycles with quick-release skewers on the front wheel. Quick-release fastening on the front wheel fork and a belt fastener on the rear wheel keep your cycle in place.

A holder that secures the front wheel to the roof rack base is also available and sold separately.

Available at Amazon

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jul 09, 2011 02:54:03