
KL Industries Sun Slider Adjustable Seat Lounger Pedal Boat with Canopy

KL Industries Sun Slider Adjustable Seat Lounger Pedal Boat with Canopy On Sale

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before decision to order, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a online store that sells KL Industries Sun Slider Adjustable Seat Lounger Pedal Boat with Canopy and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me free shipping and warrantee of delivery.

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KL Industries Sun Slider Adjustable Seat Lounger Pedal Boat with Canopy Specifications

The Sun Slider provides room for the whole family. Ride more comfortably by simply adjusting the seats for your height. It has a wide range of positions to accommodate people of all heights, from kids to adults. The sea backs have a built-in hand grip for easy adjusting and lock into place for safety. Includes sun canopy for UV ray protection while out on the water.


  • Protective vinyl rubrail
  • Adjustable seat height
  • Recessed drink holders
  • Built-in coolers or storage area
  • Comfortably seats 3 in front and 2 in back
  • Seats fully recline to create an on-the-water sun lounge for two


  • Dimensions: 93 by 65 by 24.5 inches (L x W x H)
  • Weight: 110 pounds
  • Capacity: 825 pounds

KL Industries Sun Slider Adjustable Seat Lounger Pedal Boat with Canopy Feature

  • Protective vinyl rubrail
  • Adjustable seat height
  • Recessed drink holders
  • Built-in coolers or storage area
  • Comfortably seats 3 in front and 2 in back
  • Length: 93?, Width: 65?, Height: 24.5?, Weight: 110 lbs., Capacity: 825 lbs.
  • Seats fully recline to create an on-the-water sun lounge for two

KL Industries Sun Slider Adjustable Seat Lounger Pedal Boat with Canopy Overview

The Sun Slider provides room for the whole family. Ride more comfortably by simply adjusting the seats for your height. It has a wide range of positions to accommodate people of all heights, from kids to adults. The sea backs have a built-in hand grip for easy adjusting and lock into place for safety. Includes sun canopy for UV ray protection while out on the water.

Available at Amazon

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jul 28, 2011 13:50:04