
24V Electric Scooter Battery Charger with 3 Prong 2 Amp - Work for most Currie, Razor Scooter

24V Electric Scooter Battery Charger with 3 Prong 2 Amp - Work for most Currie, Razor Scooter On Sale

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before decision to order, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a online store that sells 24V Electric Scooter Battery Charger with 3 Prong 2 Amp - Work for most Currie, Razor Scooter and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me free shipping and warrantee of delivery.

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24V Electric Scooter Battery Charger with 3 Prong 2 Amp - Work for most Currie, Razor Scooter Feature

  • 24V Battery Charger for 24V Electric Scooter
  • Automatic charager, with 3 Prong Connector
  • Output: DC 24V, Max 2.0A
  • Input: AC 90-245V, 50/60 Hz
  • Equal changing voltage: 29.5+/- 0.2V, Floating change voltage: 27.5+/- 0.2V

24V Electric Scooter Battery Charger with 3 Prong 2 Amp - Work for most Currie, Razor Scooter Overview

24V Battery Charger for most generic electric scooters and vehicles. Charger has an automatic charging controller. The charger will charge battery quickly at the beginning and eventually uses a trickle charger to keep the battery topped off.
This charger will work on the following models:
Razor E200, Razor E200, Razor E100, Razor E100, Boreem Jia, X-Treme 24V electric scooters, Electra Scoot-N-Go, Freedom, New Star 24V Electric Scooters, Motorbravo 24V Electric Scooters
Used by many Taiwan made or China made electric scooters
This charger is for 110/115 Volt USA Current Only. If you are not sure if our charger will work for your model, just email us and we will research for you.

Available at Amazon

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 02, 2011 05:16:04