
300 Watt Bicycle Generator 3/8" Belt Drive Pedal Power Pulley Dynamo

300 Watt Bicycle Generator 3/8" Belt Drive Pedal Power Pulley Dynamo On Sale

you searching for low priced 300 Watt Bicycle Generator 3/8" Belt Drive Pedal Power Pulley Dynamo?

before decision to order, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a online store that sells 300 Watt Bicycle Generator 3/8" Belt Drive Pedal Power Pulley Dynamo and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me free shipping and warrantee of delivery.

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300 Watt Bicycle Generator 3/8" Belt Drive Pedal Power Pulley Dynamo Feature

  • MNS Power 300 Watt Air Cooled DC Generator 0 to 40V Output
  • Output Voltage: 0 to 40 Volts DC
  • Nominal Current 15 Amps, Peak Current 20 Amps
  • Max RPM 2600
  • Mounting Holes: 6mm

300 Watt Bicycle Generator 3/8" Belt Drive Pedal Power Pulley Dynamo Overview

This DC Generator can be driven by human power, wind power, or hydro. The 3/8" wide pulley has a 2 inch diameter. You will be able to mount this generator to a bike stand using an adapter mounting plate.

Available at Amazon

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 06, 2011 09:14:05