
Kryptonite New York Chain and Evolution Series 4 Disc Lock - 3 Ft. 3 In./Steel

Kryptonite New York Chain and Evolution Series 4 Disc Lock - 3 Ft. 3 In./Steel On Sale

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Kryptonite New York Chain and Evolution Series 4 Disc Lock - 3 Ft. 3 In./Steel Feature

  • 10mm triples heat-treated Boron manganese steel links
  • Double deadbolt design gives additional protection against twist attacks
  • 14mm hardened Max-performance steel shackles
  • The disc cylinder now includes a new anti-float feature to keep the discs from moving and readjusting when in transit
  • New patent-pending, reinforced oval crossbar design is stronger than a typical round tube

Kryptonite New York Chain and Evolution Series 4 Disc Lock - 3 Ft. 3 In./Steel Overview

Kryptonite New York Chain and Evolution Series 4 Disc Lock 10mm triples heat-treated Boron manganese steel links
Double deadbolt design gives additional protection against twist attacks
14mm hardened Max-performance steel shackles
The disc cylinder now includes a new anti-float feature to keep the discs from moving and readjusting when in transit
New patent-pending, reinforced oval crossbar design is stronger than a typical round tube
Includes 3 keys, 2 new "I" keys and one with a high intensity LED bulb for convenient, easy unlocking in the dark

Available at Amazon

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 05, 2011 06:22:07