
Skuut Balance Bike

Skuut Balance Bike On Sale

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Skuut Balance Bike Feature

  • Its an ingeniously simple concept used in Europe for years
  • A chainless push bike that moves by foot power ("Flinstone" style)
  • Your child will first walk and then will begin to run with the bike
  • It's effective because it gives your child control over the learning process
  • Most important, the Skuut is designed with safety in mind

Skuut Balance Bike Overview

Built for kids ages 2-5, the Skuut is a pedal-less, chainless push bike that moves by foot power ("Flinstone" style). Its the perfect introduction to cycling because its specifically designed to complement the motor skills of young children, teaching balance and control at a much earlier age than traditional cycles with training wheels. The Skuut is a great confidence booster. From the very beginning your child can make independent progress, pushing along to discover how it works. In a short while he will lift his feet and begin moving forward, balancing and reveling in their new found mobility! They will NEVER need a bike with stabilizers, which prevent the development of balance. Your child will take to riding a bicycle instantly and naturally.

All parts are extremely robust and the body is made of heat-treated softwood and hardwood, coated with non-toxic lacquer. The saddle can be adjusted for height as your child grows. The steering is specially made so that kids cant turn to fast and tip over. Other safety features include Euro-styled wheels and no spokes (to prevent shoelace tangles). The Skuut come with a one-year guarantee - exceptional for a product aimed at young children!

A first bike invariably becomes a child's favorite toy. Children have an urge for movement and discovery and the Skuut enables them to playfully acquire coordination skills, foresight and agility. The feeling of riding alone is an exhilarating experience which helps to build self-confidence and safety. Whether they imagine it to be a copy of Dad's mountain bike or a pretend horse, the Skuut will play an important role as your child develops. And when it's outgrown, it becomes not just another old toy, but a lifelong reminder of childhood dreams...

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 22, 2011 23:40:05