
Radio Flyer Classic Red 10" Tricycle with Push Handle

Radio Flyer Classic Red 10" Tricycle with Push Handle On Sale

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before decision to order, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a online store that sells Radio Flyer Classic Red 10" Tricycle with Push Handle and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me free shipping and warrantee of delivery.

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Radio Flyer Classic Red 10" Tricycle with Push Handle Feature

  • The sturdy steel design and rubber tires make this tricycle durable and easy to ride for ages 2-4 years.
  • A 3 position adjustable push handle allows parents to help regulate speed and direction.
  • A controlled turning radius and low center of gravity make this tricycle easy for little ones to ride
  • This Tricycle won Dr. Toy's Best Classic Toy Award
  • This product is made by Radio Flyer, innovating play and creating memories since 1917

Radio Flyer Classic Red 10" Tricycle with Push Handle Overview

The Radio Flyer Classic Red Trike includes an adjustable Push Handle to help your child learn to pedal. This sturdy little trike features a steel construction. It includes durable spoked wheels with real rubber tires! The controlled turning radius prevents tipping for safe and confident riding. This bright red tricycle is classically styled and includes chrome handlebars and a chrome fender. It is recommended for children ages 2 to 4 years. Guide your child to pedaling success with the Radio Flyer Classic Red Trike!

Available at Amazon

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 01, 2011 12:35:06