
Alex Toys Ready Set Go Trike

Alex Toys Ready Set Go Trike On Sale

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Alex Toys Ready Set Go Trike Overview

From 10 months to 2 years, the Ready, Set, Go Trike from Alex Toys grows with your child! This 3-in-1 Trike grows with your child and converts from a safe and comfortable baby tricycle to an independent tricycle! "Push & Stroll", 10 months+ Parents steer with the adjustable handle. High backed seat, safety bar, seat belt and footrests provide support and comfort. "Start to Roll", 15 months+ Remove the headrest and safety bar. Pull-out the clutch for child to freewheel while parent maintains ride control. "Pedal & Go", 24 months+ Detach the steering handle, fold up the footrests and push in clutch for a complete trike with non-slip pedals and rubber wheels for great traction. Features: High-quality metal frame and sturdy molded plastic components; 5-position adjustable and removable handle; Safety straps and parking brake; Detachable overhead canopy; Easy assembly, tools included; 27" l. x 18 1/2" w. x 39" h. to top of handle; For ages 10 months and up. Order yours today! Alex Toys Ready Set Go Trike

Available at Amazon

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 16, 2011 21:32:08