
Tacx Fortius Multiplayer Virtual Reality Cycle Trainer (TTS 3.0)

Tacx Fortius Multiplayer Virtual Reality Cycle Trainer (TTS 3.0) On Sale

you searching for low priced Tacx Fortius Multiplayer Virtual Reality Cycle Trainer (TTS 3.0)?

before decision to order, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a online store that sells Tacx Fortius Multiplayer Virtual Reality Cycle Trainer (TTS 3.0) and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me free shipping and warrantee of delivery.

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Tacx Fortius Multiplayer Virtual Reality Cycle Trainer (TTS 3.0) Feature

  • Not compatible with Mac or Laptop/Notebooks
  • Comes with TTS 3.0 software
  • Comes with frame steerer

Tacx Fortius Multiplayer Virtual Reality Cycle Trainer (TTS 3.0) Overview

Tacx's most advanced Virtual Reality Trainer - 2011 Tacx Fortius Multi-Player takes training to the next level. It features a powerful motor brake with its stable Virtual Reality Steering Frame to bring you the most vivid and enjoyable indoor training experience. The MultiPlayer Fortius also includes a one-year free license for web racing. This high-tech trainer challenges you literally and figuratively to push back the frontiers. Comes with TTS 3.0 software

Available at Amazon

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 17, 2011 08:41:03