
Motor Electric Bicycle x 2Adult Seats+pedal+battery 20 Mile (Model: Class2) Red

Motor Electric Bicycle x 2Adult Seats+pedal+battery 20 Mile (Model: Class2) Red On Sale

you searching for low priced Motor Electric Bicycle x 2Adult Seats+pedal+battery 20 Mile (Model: Class2) Red?

before decision to order, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a online store that sells Motor Electric Bicycle x 2Adult Seats+pedal+battery 20 Mile (Model: Class2) Red and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me free shipping and warrantee of delivery.

Now the prices down even more urgent look at all the other check values before the end of time.

Motor Electric Bicycle x 2Adult Seats+pedal+battery 20 Mile (Model: Class2) Red Feature

  • capacity for 2 adults weight (330 lb)
  • charging any where with electric plug in
  • go 25-30 mile per hours
  • one battery use for 20 + miles
  • going grocessary shopping, sightseeing, delivery

Motor Electric Bicycle x 2Adult Seats+pedal+battery 20 Mile (Model: Class2) Red Overview

Dimensions(mm): 1600x560x1110
Battery capacity: 48v14ah
Input voltage of battery: 110v
Motor power 500w
Battery life: 2 years
Charging period: 3-5 hours
Speed: 25-30 mph
Range: 40-50 mile
Diameter of front wheel: 16 inches
Net Weight: 88 lb
Load Capacity: 330 lb

Available at Amazon

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 02, 2011 11:49:05