
Sturmey Archer S3x Fixed Gear - 3 Speed Internal Fixed Gear Hub Black

Sturmey Archer S3x Fixed Gear - 3 Speed Internal Fixed Gear Hub Black On Sale

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Sturmey Archer S3x Fixed Gear - 3 Speed Internal Fixed Gear Hub Black Feature

  • Brand New
  • Never Used
  • In the manufacturers retail Packaging.
  • With Full Factory Warranty!
  • Buy it now!

Sturmey Archer S3x Fixed Gear - 3 Speed Internal Fixed Gear Hub Black Overview

Sturmey Archer S3X Fixed Gear - 3 speed internal fixed gear hub, Close ratio of 160%, Threaded and splined driver accommodates splined cogs or single speed freewheels for a non-fixed conversion, Aluminum lock-ring and spacers achieve chain lines of 42, 43, 44, and 45mm, double anodized finish, 130mm OLD, Hub Shell Material - 6061 Aluminum, Axle Diameter - 13/32"x175mm Slotted, Right Axle Protrusion Length - 23mm, Left Axle Protrusion Length - 21mm, 36 hole, , Pitch Circle Diameter - 67mm, Flange Width - 53.5mm, Spoke Compatibility - 13/14G, Indicator Chain - HSA652 Mark Orange, 980g, Overall Range - 160%, Gear 1 - 62.5% (-37.5%), Gear 2 - 75% (-25%)(Gear 1 + 20%), Gear 3 - 100% Direct Drive (Gear 2 + 33%), 990g, black

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 15, 2011 11:57:21