
Coleman DC 12 Volt Inflate-All Pump

Coleman DC 12 Volt Inflate-All Pump On Sale

you searching for low priced Coleman DC 12 Volt Inflate-All Pump?

before decision to order, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a online store that sells Coleman DC 12 Volt Inflate-All Pump and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me free shipping and warrantee of delivery.

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Coleman DC 12 Volt Inflate-All Pump Feature

  • Powerful pump inflates a queen-sized airbed in less than 3 minutes and a car tire in less than 4 minutes
  • High pressure and high volume pump in one housing
  • High volume side inflates and deflates
  • Built in spotlight
  • Presta Valve for use on high-end bicycles

Coleman DC 12 Volt Inflate-All Pump Overview

The Inflate-All is an all-purpose, versatile air pump. This pump is designed to fill just about anything--air mattresses, inflatable rafts and tubes, car tires, and even bicycle tires with the included presta valve.

Available at Amazon

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 08, 2011 19:02:04